Everyone thinks i'm weird because i'm quiet

A colleague at work yesterday said that he thinks im boring because im quiet. You dont even have to think about it, because youve done it for so long. Also, this makes me remember how in high school, a lot of people disliked me because they thought i thought i was superior to them because i rarely spoke. What other people think of me is none of my business. Im actually quiet because i need to think before i speak. Everyone in my class thinks im weird because im quiet. Each time someone told me i was too quiet, i wondered what exactly they were hoping to. Its a tricky word to deal with because it has both good and bad connotations, and people use it to describe all kinds of things. Im in 9th grade now and im over that stage finally. Im bitter and angry alot of the time and everyone just leaves me alone. Maybe im shy around strangers, but the problem isnt shyness its the lack of talking. So much so that i get minute panic attacks in my head and heart when i have to meet new people. Whats worse is when you think youre making progress or being more open and someone makes an insensitive comment.

Im not loud, and i am fairly quiet until ive got to know someone a bit, but i chat, have opinions etc. Its just different from the norm, and because many people are idiots, they think its weird. Differences between weird quiet and normal quiet people. But ive had a hard time moving on because people are so used to me not talking. Its a weird cycle and i know im not being completely honest with myself when i respond this way. The real reason why introverts are so quiet introvert spring. Why do people think that i m weak as i am very quiet and. This seems to be common, with some idiots linking a quiet person to a perceived feeling of superiority. Yes, people often think that shyintroverted people are snobs just because they are quiet. Im merely hurt and angry by how my life has been so affected by being both very introverted, attractive, and unusual i dislike the word weird hence why earlier i put it in brackets because personally i think that this term should be reserved, solely, for creeps.

Accept yourself as you are, even when others dont tiny buddha. Im quite, i wear headphones all day unless im in class or hanging out w friends. Hi im 14 yrs old and im in 3rd yr highschool right now. I cant overcome my introversion, but actually, i wouldnt want to because im happy being this way. I know more than i say, think more than i speak and observe more than you know. I am quiet, introverted and people think im a snob shy. Because i dont talk much, people assume im boring or stuckup.

People think im weird, strange, socially challenged, and mentally. Im often quiet because im in my own little world, or i dont feel its necessary to say anything. Also, extroverted people see being shy and quiet as a kind of personal hell, so they. And through a major part of my life i tried to change it. Its a conclusion that a lot of people might jump to if you just dont say anything. Women who think im gay talk to me about shopping, which is perfect, because i love shopping, and everyone always mentions their best gay friends to me. It makes loud people think that they are a majority, giving them the right to call other people. The real reason im quiet is because i prefer my own thoughts, feelings, ideas, and company over that of most other people. Like honestly my anxiety isnt even that bad, but whenever i dont think before i speak, i misunderstand what people mean, what my reply will sound like, and just say the stupidest things possible. Weird quiet is quiet because he is afraid of what other people might think of him when he opens his mouth but is secretly very engaged with how he comes across and tells himself that shutting up will make him come across the best. Schizophrenia screening test this test has been developed by schiz life and is meant for insight and entertainment purposes only. I was super awkward and uncomfertable all the time even around my family.

That may sound rude at first glance, but let me explain why it really isnt. Most people think i m being rude when im not talkative in a group of people. People think i am weird and avoid me because i am quiet and avoid small talk. I can relate to how you feel about missing out on life because i felt the same at your age. Now im wondering if this is a common view on shy people. People think i am weird and avoid me because i am quiet and avoid. Guess im just going to kind of vent for a second, sorry if this is the wrong subreddit or whatever. Weed makes me become a total mute and im awkward discussion in real life.

Everyone thinks im shy or quiet even though im not. People tell me im too quiet and shy, but when i open up they tell me to shut up. I dont know about you, but ive found that my general stress levels seem to peak in the fall and winter. But i think perhaps the majority of people dont feel comfortable around. I dont mind telling them that i generally continue reading why i am quiet. In fact, not everyone who has social anxiety is even quiet. Im easily discouraged when people find me weird even to what i said. Ah, i dont really know about this topic, but you guys seem into it. I havent been bullied in ages now but my attitude to people has changed. Everyone treats me like a kid because im short youtube. Heck im sick of being thought of as weird because i dont fit the stereotypes and i like to sit by myself and read and that im quiet and that i think before i say shizz at my age it sucks too but knowing there are people who are more accepting you out there makes you get by day by day no matter how long it takes for you to bump into them. Im decently ugly imo, but people think im the normal quiet purely because i just dont look around a lot at other people, they assume im shy, even tho im just an asshole who doesnt think talking to them will accomplish anything of value. So parties make introverts tired, even if they like everyone there and are having a good time.

As an introvert and infj personality type, the extra social events and responsibilities that surround the holidays tend to drain me physically and mentally as an extraverted feeling type, i feel the need to make sure that everyone is happy and that things run smoothly. My whole life ive been on the receiving end of snide remarks because im quiet. In order to try and completely get over my shyness, i joined my drama club at school. But unfortunately, many people still think that being introverted and stuttering through presentations go. Here are things people do that might actually mean im an introvert. Im not proud of this, and there are exceptions, but its a trend. Cavemen who were louder and more aggressive were considered the leader of packs. Reasons someone may see you as weird, in the bad sense of. Im twice you age now and have been through a lot in order to create a happy life. Of course, it didnt work because everyone could see i was being false.

All because i was quiet, more that quiet though, physically unable to speak. The thing is, people are always coming out in little ways, mentioning a boyfriend or a wife in conversation, or commenting on their attractions or sexploits. If they dont think theres anything wrong with hanging back, having attention. Lol wow im relieved you truly understand a shy persons situation and for me it was much worse because im a hiphop artist but stilli on the come up i watch music videos and when i see what kind of lifestyle these other artists are doing i become shy and have doubts about my self because i love a high lifestyle when my friends are dressed up in new clothes i become shy and never talk. Maybe they expect us to be more talkative because of our appearance. I cant even act a lot of the things without thinking even a second beforehand that im not cool or look. People tell me im too quiet and shy, but when i open up. Im a quiet person, and also used to be terrible at saying the right. A lot of people just think, if i wasnt talking, that would mean something. Im actually quiet because i need to think before i speak or else i say the stupidest things i wonder if anyone else is like this. I know that my classmates think im weird and i know that they sometimes laugh at me at my back.

I did my job and was polite to everyone, but all my coworkers told me that i was really quiet and shy, and that i should open up and be myself. A lot of people notice that in many settings, im a pretty quiet person. But its the only way i know how to answer sometimes without just wearing a mask which also isnt healthy. Many extroverts that i know, they flee their own company as if they were on fire. I freaking hate myself this one guy from my class made a collage and i was in it, the. I think im a weird combination of deeply introverted and very daring. Please note, because of the time that has passed since i wrote this article, it may no longer reflect my current views or the most accurate and complete information available on this subject. Am i being too cautious, or is this a smart strategy. I have a lot of strength for being a quiet guy i hear people talk but i never say anything. If you suspect you may be experiencing the symptoms of schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder, please consult your local psychologist, psychiatrist, or other medical professional, or call 8665716796 to speak with someone by phone to get. I have to be honest, most of the people i think are weird tend to be the quiet ones. As a mom of a quiet son, who just finished the 8th grade, i appreciate the new insights offered from im not weird, im just quiet. Socially awkward people often get told that theyre weird. My manager asked me recently why i dont like to share my personal life, and i gave him an honest answer i.

But ive changed a lot since middle school i talk a lot more now and take part in more activities, although most of them are not in school. Because for all you know when you finally say something in a conversation it seems weird to everyone else because you. People think i am weird and avoid me because i am quiet. People at my class think im weird because im quiet and. There were some laugh out loud moments for me along the journey. Its often confused for something else like a lack of confidence and introverts are mislabeled as depressed, rude, or simply weird. I live in south africa and when im in a big city everyone is fine with it but in small towns. Human beings are a species who have considered loud as dominating and therefore as strong from prehistoric ages. It is so annoying being labled as the quite one at school, because at home i talk alot, laugh. For some reason so many people that ive encountered in my life think that im weird, and i really dont know why and its starting to really bother me. They get particularly annoyed if the person calls them quiet in a funny way, like. Everyone thinks im low and uninterested but im just an introvert who doesnt. Be confident and you should build something to make yourself feel strong.

When i first started my new job, i was very quiet and shy. My social anxiety makes me feel others think im weird. Id love to see a sequel to discover whats next for colin now that he has grown in confidence and words. Very true sara, everyone is different, but i think some people dont understand that. Im usually the person that makes situations awkward partly because of me being quiet. It seemed that everyone agreed with this like it was common knowledge for quiet. People think quiet people are weird because loud people are the most visible and skew the average. If theyre concerned because there are some silences in the group while everyone sits around a campfire ha ha, dont worry about it.

If you really cant, then practice, practice and practice. To be upset that people think im boring just because im. You think you are weird, probably because you dont believe in myself that you can behave properly and speak with clarity in front of others. You feel like you are weird for being quite, so you unconsciously project that in your body language and other people get that vibe.